Reporting from Shanghai

Some of stuff from that night


Our last coach joining this season finally arrived and the whole office got to have a kickoff. We spent a night at Cages, which is a massage sport bar/restaurant with a lot of activities. I tried a few of them and Corne holes the best.  It was nice to get together all colleges and get to know each other a little bit more.


Annelie invited me and the new dance teacher Kerry to her Zumba class one Friday morning. It was  lots of fun and  nice to get soaked in sweat a little extra, because the AC didn’t work that day, hehe. After the class me and Annelie went for (second) breakfast at Starbucks, where I recently upgraded to green level membership. I hope this will happen more Fridays in the future since I anyway don’t have any classes until 4 pm.

Picture taken from a lovely slow sunday start with some streaming from Swedish "fråga lund", and cat as company...

The cats

Sadly we (me) had to find a new owner for the brother and sister cat. I did not work out having them at hour place because they were destroying the apartment by playing Tarzan with the curtains, sharpening their nails at the furniture and pooping outside the litterbox. I Think it to tell us they were not happy about us being away all day, booredness and picky about cleaning skills. It is weird now that nobody greets you at the door or crawling up in your bed at night but I guess it is for the best sinced in the end we were worried that we might lose our deposit. If we had been home more we could raise them to change their behavior but it is hard to do without presence. 
I looked very carefully  for a new home since I know, and was extra warned, that china has a big industry when it comes to sell pets for food and fur.  In the end I got in contact with a Spanish girl, vegan, always had animals, and was going to be home a lot, so I was happy. She paid the taxi for me and harry, the cats and their stuff and I was surprised how well that journey went. I didn’t think a cab driver would let us in, especially when I had the girlcat just in my arms but they didn’t care. I mean if you are allergic to animals there is no cab you can take and be sure to be able to breath good since Chinese people take their dogs in the car all the time… 
Anyhow, the cats seem to settle in fine judged by the pictures I’ve gotten and at least now we don’t need to worry about what to do on Christmas break.


I didn’t get a bike but I paid a deposit around 300 kr(which of course I get back when I quit the account) to use the app mobike, which actually is more convenient for me. It works like this:

1.       Check map where closest bike is

2.       Reserve it and get there before 15 min

3.       Scan QR code and look opens and you riiiiiiiide.

4.       Stop at the payment and look it.

It cost 1 kr for every 30min. You can also just pick up one bike direct from the payment if you se one but you might get a message that it is already reserved. It could also be hard to get one in not so public places and during rush hour but around the metro stations, where I live, and close to the office I had no problem so far. So it’s much better since I don’t use the same metro stations depending how my day plan is, and I don’t need to worry about it being stolen hehe. 

Jing'an sculpture park

Yoga in park

October holiday was last week and all children had a break from school. I didn’t know It also applied for the dance studio, so I was quite disappointed went I went to class but nobody was there… Instead of going home feeling sorry for myself I found a nice park and did some yoga.

I miss the nature a lot living in a big city like shanghai. Sometimes if a have break I look out for a park, sit under a tree and close my eyes and pretend I am in the woods. I really need to use my imgination a lot because the parks are small (not like a new york central park way), so you still hear the cars, the air is not fresh and people are passing you all the time. They are beautiful though and it is a nice atmosphere, but I will continue look for how I will solve my longing for the forest..

Coming up... October holiday!

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